Thursday, January 17, 2008

Meth in South Dakota

Here's an interesting selection I came across. It's from the 2008 South Dakota Fishing Handbook (page 44), as issued by the South Dakota Department of Game, Fish & Parks.

If you encounter a Meth 'cook' or user while on your outing, remember they may be hallucinating, paranoid or violent because of the drug. Take precautions to keep yourself and your party safe. Keep in mind these six safety tips for approaching a Meth "tweaker" (user).
  • Keep your distance. Coming too close can be perceived as threatening.
  • No bright lights. If a tweaker is paranoid, bright lights may cause them to react violently.
  • Slow your speech and lower your voice.
  • Slow your movements. The tweaker may be paranoid and may misunderstand your actions.
  • Keep your hands visible, or they may feel threatened and become unpredictable and violent.
  • Keep the tweaker talking. A tweaker who falls silent can be extremely dangerous. Silence often means that his/her paranoid thoughts have taken
    over reality, and anyone present can become part of the tweaker's paranoid

If you are threatened, call law enforcement and tell them that this person may be under the influence of Meth or other drugs.


blogger sucks said...

I think I read somewhere that you aren't supposed to run away from them, but if you have to it's best to run downhill. They can run 45 mph uphill. Oh wait, that's bears.

McFee said...

Kiel your right about the Bears, their fast, but not as dangerous as "Tweakers" Thank you SD Fish and Game. I would have just shot him if it wasn't for your "6 safety tips"

e. g. Hove said...

This Fish and Game guide sounds like it's of more practical use than most religious texts.