Sunday, February 17, 2008

Player Piano Anyone?

BBC's website was featuring this article about intelligent machines. As a recent X-barista who is disgusted with the increased use of automatic espresso machines slowly taking all the brain-work out of the profession, I'm a little unnerved. I was always comfortable with the idea that a monkey could make a mocha, because I knew that the cappuccino is the true dividing line between humans and beasts... but it appears that one day the machines may take over the mocha and the cappuccino. And I'd rather be lumped in with the beasts than with machines.

quotes from the article:
"I've made the case that we will have both the hardware and the software to achieve human level artificial intelligence with the broad suppleness of human intelligence including our emotional intelligence by 2029," Kurzweil said.
"We're already a human machine civilisation; we use our technology to expand our physical and mental horizons and this will be a further extension of that."

link to article:


e. g. Hove said...

If it makes you feel more at peace, nothing in the Corps is automated.

sam vogel said...

If it riles you up any, most of the things humans do are automated (pump blood, digest, quick decision making/reflexes, dream or other subconscious thought). Which pretty much lumps us and the beasts with the machines.

Most of our automated systems seem to be maintainence functions. For what do we maintain ourselves? The excercise of free thought, naturally.